Friday 26 June 2009

CoMpLeTe Me....

My heart is heavy with pain
Ignored by you again & again
Striving to prove myself here
How my love for you is crystal clear

One thing I never force myself
But happiness is what I get within
The unfold desires that crop up
When think of you inch by inch

My eyes closed as I lay down
The romantic smell of you I drown
The hot burning of your lips on mine
In you the ecstatic passion I found

My skin blossoms everyday
Waiting for the warmth of your breathe
The feminity in me erupts all way
Please complete me on your bed

MakE thIs liFe As oUrS...

Protect me with your embrace
Tightly as no air to pass
Shower me with your love
Swirling me like a compass

Blow it cold to my wound
Bear me up when I fall
Comfort me with your warmth
Hold me close from all

Numb me from my pains
Clear those brutal doubts
Unconscious me from my past
Show what my future shouts

Capture me in your bosoms
Link my soul to yours
This should go on forever
Make this life as ours

My LaSt WiSh...

Never will I break your heart
Never will I tear you apart
But will follow you everywhere
Destined to me from the start

Awake in the frightful night
Drenched cold in this lonely world
Sudden thought had struck me
That I am not crying alone

Am I too naïve to understand
The love that you reserve for me
If not, would I take the blame
In order to make you happy

Missing your hug around me
My tears wetting your chest
If death is granted now to me
That would be my very best

My NiGhT oF dEsIrE...

As u brush the hair from my face
Sweeping the desire within me
Yearning of your touch in a slow pace
Feeling the love I have for thee

The moments of our togetherness
Haunting deep down my mind
As you plant your kiss on my lips
I wish I could turn my life in rewind

I could feel the pleasure of you
Whenever you accompany me
Now feeling so lost without you
As you fly into oblivion like a bee

Awakened sweating in this horror
Weakened more by this emotion
Lonely darkness surrounding me
Left me panting in this dejection

Longing for you....

Kissing u is what I long
Holding u I imagine strong
Feeling the softness of your charm
Embracing me within those arms

Blurring my eyes by morning mist
Wetting myself by tender dews
Smelling ur fragrance all over
Seperating me from you never

Drinking the nectar fallen
Drops escaped from ur mouth
Tasting the natural sweetness
From your lips, they ooze out

Rhyming the beats of your heart
Drumming heavily along with mine
Waiting eagerly to be touched
By your fingertips, velvet and fine

Remaining in my dream...

My lids shut down, trying to sleep
Memories of you running so deep
Transforming from thoughts to dreams
In my slumber, for you I weep

On you my eyes have set
Remembering the first day we met
Since then I never left you
Silently loving you, in joy & in blue

Crying out for you, in sadness & sorrows
Hoping u will cry like this tomorrow
Is it destined that I alone should suffer?
Will u know the taste of my tears that flow!

Holding me tight, never let me go
My world is you, is what I show
Waking up from the sudden dream
Without you beside, my grieves grow more!

Wanting u..

Clad in the sweat of desire
Expressing u my heavy mood
With my spirit raising high
Within the emotions I brood

Closing my eyes in imagination
That paints the picture of thee
Bringing the dream before my eyes
With u tightly holding me

As my desire mounting more
Wanting u more for real
Crying aloud ur lovely name
For the scars in my heart to heal

Touching the summit of satisfaction
Panting with breathe I exhale
Opening my eyes to the reality
Craving for u, in my sad tale!

S'one is there for me...

Garland of roses surrounds my neck
With hidden thorns poking me like knife
While a false smile appear on my face
Showing dat I’m stepping into a new life

Unable to escape from this madding crowd
Mingling with an obliged desire
Trying to be everyone’s best friend
Surviving each day on the red fire!

Is my freedom snatched away?
Unknown to this childhood play
But when not a pair of arms hugging me
This, I realized the following day!

Someone pulling me from this madding crowd
Assuring me the love on earth
Easing away the sad tones on my face
There, I realized the value of this birth!


The sweetness in ur voice i hear
Is corrupting me day by day
Addicted to that sweetness
Not missing even a single day.

Ur laughter rings my ears
Ur whisper my heart tears
Ur heavy breathe my chest bears
Ur fantasy my skin wears

The beauty in ur gaze hidden
The charm in ur look thickens
The mind remaining unread
The desires in me u fed

Waiting for the day I see u
Whether it happens or no
For I’ll expect to hear this laughter
That rings my ears and more

Am i a loser?

I have always felt on an alien street
Loneliness dragged me by its feet
With no one to save me in pity
I went mercilessly into this city

I tried with my existing effort
Failure seems to blindfold me

The harder I struggled for it

The deeper I felt into the pit

Hopes seem to blur its way
As days passed on into each day

Boldly I want to let go the strain

‘Nothing’ is the only result I gain

Loudly I want to scream
Thinking I have won your love

Remembering I live in devil’s den
Who snatched away my only heaven

The hurts I possess never ending
Where emotions & feelings exist
Wound on wound affects me more
Plunging my life into painful horror!

My WalLs KnoW...

Living as a corpse
I don't know how to think
Overshadowed by my anger
Uncontrolled by little things

Loneliness speaks louder
When solitude envelopes me
No one to share my pain
Only my walls echo again

Dampen the spirit by tears
Reaching out for rescue
Only you can lift me up
My walls only knew

Yet i feel being watched
At times when i am low
I'm never left on my own
His love is well shown

LoViNg YoU bLiNdLy...

Painful anger pricks my mind
Plunging me in these sorrows
Walking away leaving me behind
Like there will be no tomorrow

Wild tension and Depression
Leads me to this frustration
Frying myself in this sensation
Tearing me apart by this aggression

Dying for a calm peaceful sleep
Without a thought running deep
Lonely heart drenched in regrets
Let me rest, this is what I beg

Twisting and turning in my dream
Extracting my memories unwillingly
Resisting the disturbance bestowed
Repeating this nightmare brutally

Shutting my eyes escaping all
Fearing that you’d let me fall
Loving you blindly, losing my mind
My world’s spinning, I’m turning blind

ReAcHiNg My DeStInAtIoN....

Being hurt like being dead
Left alone like an orphan
Killed fiercely from toe to head
Finally reached my road end

All the griefs I bore till now
Have the solutions to solve
Nothing worse to capture me
Nothing worse to get involved

Eternal hope I wait for
Has vanished to eternity
No more hope for me to hope
Dying bed has laid for me

Coz the love I fall in love
Has been forced to lose in you
The stranger I met one day
Became my lover, I have no clue

My loving brother...

From where u came ?
I met u by chance
The chance that stops me
To have a glance

Ur name I admire most
The outstanding name of thee
It portrays all my wishes
One of them is to own thee!

Now that u belong to me
I’ll not let u go
My love for u to see
Which will ooze for u more

The smile in ur voice
Even if it’s just a noise
The love u have for me
I would boast the world to see

The care u express out
Leave me tongue-tied
The share u reveal out
Stronger than the tide

Oh my baby, come to me
If the world sets u free
That day comes when I hold u
As tight as the roots hold the tree!

WiLl YoU lOvE mE iF i DiE...?

I often wonder the fact
If i die as a natural act
Will you cry for my depart?
Like I love you with all my heart

Sitting beside the creator
Looking down upon you
Praying for your happiness
Tho’ you live in the blues

Cherishing the times we had
Every minute & every day
Will you think like I do?
And still love me in your way

Love constructed for you
Becomes stronger as I go
Will you love me after death?
Is the doubt within me so!

A living dead...

Betrayer, is what i’m branded
Betraying, is what i never meant

Betrayed, is what u did to me

Betrayal, in love I always felt!

You entered my heart
You slit it into pieces
You are the evil culprit
You took away my peace

I hate u coz I love u
I love u thaz y I hate u
For you killed me alive
Alive, I’m dead too.

Thrown from high above
Been hurt with severe wound
With pains induced by you
Death, i wish for it soon.

UnBlEsSeD bY nObOdY...

Sitting under the moonlight
Unafraid of the shadow
Befriending the unknown devils
Waiting for the ground to swallow

Cruelly I have been cursed
Unblessed by a nobody
Fumbling the way of death
To put my pain to melancholy

My last breathe choking me
Rosy cheeks turn to blue
Staining my face with nonstop tears
Lids slowly close as you walk thru’

Will my prayers be answered?
My body becomes numb as I lay
Limbs reach out for your mercy
Before I reach my final grave

Will never let go..

As the moon shines bright
With thoughts of you raised high
My heart skips a beat
From my lips escaped a sigh

The feelings brought by you
Melting the lover in me
The promises I always cling on
Forever it meant to be

Loving you is the most beautiful
Bearing the pain with a smile
Loved by you is the bonus
Achieved by me in 1000 miles

Walked-in by you into my life
Filling up the void in me
A true blessing in disguise
Attracting me like a bee!

BeLiEvE Me...

I look into your soul
I could see my own
The pain that tortures you
Is the same I go through

Where have your dreams
That had gone astray?
Will the life you want to live
Comes to you what may?

Importance you give your friends
Do I deserve an ounce?
The lies you always hide
Haunting me around n around

Every step you take
Every smile you smile
Every dream you dream
I am always staying behind