Sunday 7 June 2009

Find the sender IP address in Gmail

Now a days email becomes the very important part of our life. As the popularity increases its bas effects are also increased. Many people are used to harass some one using a media of emails. Receivers are not able to do any thing because he or she is not able to identify who is doing what!
BUT if you don’t know your email which you have received tells every thing about the sender. Means you can identify from which IP address you have received that particular mail. And from this IP you are able to find the relevant address/area of the sender . Set up is free and also not requires any special skill to set this!
Just follow the given steps:

1.Log in to your Gmail account.

2. Open the mail.

3. To display the headers,* Click on More options corresponding to that thread. You should get a bunch of links.* Click on Show original.

4. You should get headers like this:Gmail headers : nameLook for Received: from followed by a few hostnames and an IP address between square brackets. In this case, it is65.119.112.245.That is be the IP address of the sender!

5. Track the IP address of the sender.


  1. Hello
    Ur information about the how to find the sender ip address in gmail is very good.Its very useful to me.I found websites ip address through this site

  2. wher is more options i cant find that
